Packet Manager Microservice

Log ID Level Message Cause Remedy Impact
24001 Fatal Packet management service initialization failed Packet manager microservice failed to start Report issue to Extreme Networks support CPU packet management not operational on the device
24003 Fatal Packet Transmit service initialization failed Packet manager failed to start server Report issue to Extreme Networks support CPU packet management not operational on the device
24004 Error Client service connection to packet management is down Client stream to packet manager closed Report issue to Extreme Networks support CPU packet management for service temporarily not operational
24005 Error Client registration to receive CPU packets failed Client registration type unknown Report issue to Extreme Networks support CPU packet management for client service not operational
24006 Error Packet Receive service failed, re-establishing connection Packet received handling error, re-establishing connection Report issue to Extreme Networks support if re-connection fails CPU packet management temporarily not operational on the device
24007 Info Client registered to packet management service Client stream to packet manager successful None None
24008 Info Packet management service ready Packet manager microservice started None None
24009 Info Software Packet transmit/receive service ready CPU port connection successful None None
24010 Info Packet management service is waiting for chassis Online Chassis not yet online None None
24011 Fatal Packet management service is unable to get chassis status Mgmtsvc API GW connection failed Report issue to Extreme Networks support CPU packet management not operational on the device
24012 Fatal Packet management service is unable to identify platform Unable to read platform name from StateDB Report issue to Extreme Networks support CPU packet management not operational on the device
24013 Info Chassis status online Received chassis status online None None
24014 Error Failure while reading packets from CPU, re-establishing connection Error reading from CPU, re-connecting to CPU port Report issue to Extreme Networks support CPU packet management temporarily not operational on the device
24015 Error Temporary failure in transmitting packets from software Socket full, unable to send packets to CPU port None Some Packets transmitted from software dropped
24016 Error Unable to transmit packets from software, reconnecting to CPU port Socket error, reconnecting to CPU port Report issue to Extreme Networks support CPU packet management temporarily not operational on the device
24017 Fatal Aborting Packet management service Permanent failure reading/writing to CPU port Report issue to Extreme Networks support CPU packet management not operational on the device
24018 Fatal Packet management service is shutting down Packet manager microservice restart Report issue to Extreme Networks support CPU packet management not operational on the device